袁哲,讲师,武汉大学bwin国际法语专业本科、法语语言文学硕士。2009年赴法国巴黎第七大学交流学习。研究主持省部级和校级科研及教学项目4项。发表数篇CPCI, ISTP检索论文。研究方向: 文化翻译、法语教学。主讲:“综合法语”、“二外法语“等课程。
Yuan Zhe, lecturer, bachelor of French in French Language and Literature, master of French Language and Literature, graduated from Wuhan University, School of Foreign Languages and Literature. In 2009, she went to study at the Seventh University in Paris,France. She has studied and presided 4 provincial and school research projects and teaching projects as well. Published several CPCI, ISIP retrieve papers. Her research fields includes cultural translation, French teaching. She teaches: “Comprehensive French”, “Second Foreign Language of French”,and other courses.